Getting Started

It’s easiest to develop mmstats within a virtualenv:

$ git clone git://
$ cd mmstats
$ virtualenv .
$ source bin/activate
$ python develop
$ ./run_flask_example # This starts up a sample web app
$ curl http://localhost:5001/
$ curl http://localhost:5001/500
$ curl http://localhost:5001/status
$ # If you have ab installed:
$ ab -n 50 -c 10 http://localhost:5001/

Now to view the stats run the following in a new terminal:

$ # To get a raw view of the data:
$ slurpstats mmstats-*
$ # Or start up the web interface:
$ mmash
$ # Run pollstats while ab is running:
$ pollstats -p flask.example. ok,bad,working mmstats-*

To cleanup stray mmstats files: rm mmstats-flask-*

The web interface will automatically reload when you change source files.

Put static files into static/ and template files into templates/


Feel free to use your favorite test runner like nose or pytest or just run:

$ python test

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