Source code for mmstats._mmap

import ctypes
import ctypes.util
import errno
libc = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary(ctypes.util.find_library('c'))
import mmap as stdlib_mmap
import os

from . import libgettid
from .defaults import DEFAULT_PATH, DEFAULT_FILENAME


[docs]def init_mmap(path=DEFAULT_PATH, filename=DEFAULT_FILENAME, size=PAGESIZE): """Given path, filename => filename, size, mmap In `filename` "%PID%" and "%TID%" will be replaced with pid and thread id """ # Replace %PID% with actual pid filename = filename.replace('%PID%', str(os.getpid())) # Replace %TID% with thread id or 0 if thread id is None filename = filename.replace('%TID%', str(libgettid.gettid() or 0)) full_path = os.path.join(path, filename) # Create new empty file to back memory map on disk fd =, os.O_CREAT | os.O_TRUNC | os.O_RDWR) if size > PAGESIZE: if size % PAGESIZE: size = size + (PAGESIZE - (size % PAGESIZE)) else: size = PAGESIZE # Zero out the file os.ftruncate(fd, size) m_ptr = mmap(size, fd) return (fd, full_path, size, m_ptr) # Linux consts from /usr/include/bits/mman.h
MS_ASYNC = 1 MS_SYNC = 4 libc.mmap.restype = ctypes.c_void_p libc.mmap.argtypes = [ ctypes.c_void_p, # address ctypes.c_size_t, # size of mapping ctypes.c_int, # protection ctypes.c_int, # flags ctypes.c_int, # fd ctypes.c_int, # offset (needs to be off_t type?) ] def mmap(size, fd): m_ptr = libc.mmap(None, size, stdlib_mmap.PROT_READ | stdlib_mmap.PROT_WRITE, stdlib_mmap.MAP_SHARED, fd, 0 ) if m_ptr == -1: # Error e = ctypes.get_errno() raise OSError(e, errno.errorcode[e]) return m_ptr libc.msync.restype = ctypes.c_int libc.msync.argtypes = [ ctypes.c_void_p, # address ctypes.c_size_t, # size of mapping ctypes.c_int, # flags ] def msync(mm_ptr, size, async=False): if async: flags = MS_ASYNC else: flags = MS_SYNC status = libc.msync(mm_ptr, size, flags) if status == -1: e = ctypes.get_errno() raise OSError(e, errno.errorcode[e]) libc.munmap.restype = ctypes.c_int libc.munmap.argtypes = [ ctypes.c_void_p, # address ctypes.c_size_t, # size of mapping ] def munmap(mm_ptr, size): status = libc.munmap(mm_ptr, size) if status == -1: e = ctypes.get_errno() raise OSError(e, errno.errorcode[e])

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